The Witches of Breastwick I. Las Brujas Eróticas (2005) Monique Parent es Tiffany Julie K Smith es Lola Stormy Daniels es Felicia Glori Anne Gilbert es Rebeca Taimie Hannum es Holly
The movie has some hot moments, The bodies are amazing. Watching the girls stare into the camera and make all the fake noises during the make out scenes is amusing than truly hot. But with all the news about Stormy, this one should get more traction and action!
Always a big fan of Monique Parent. Lately in Southern California she has been occupied with doing blender demonstrations for Blendtec and VitaMix in Costco Warehouse stores. You can go in, she'll fix you a little something(!) and she has her routines all down to a T. Perfect:
Monique Parent es Tiffany
Julie K Smith es Lola
Stormy Daniels es Felicia
Glori Anne Gilbert es Rebeca
Taimie Hannum es Holly